PhD/postdoc positions
We are looking for a PhD candidate to work on antimicrobial bioactive glass for the treatment of bone defects, in collaboration between the bioactive glasses group and the Jena University Hospital, Orthopaedic Surgery. The position will be part of a Research Training Group (RTG 2723: Materials – Microbes – Microenvironments), and a full description can be found here. Applications are accepted via the JSMC Application PortalExternal link , where details on the application process can be found as well.
MSc and BSc projects
We continuously offer MSc and BSc research projects for students in Materials Science, Chemistry or Chemistry of Materials. Feel free to contact Delia Brauer or any other group member to inquire about possible topics.
Room O115 (Secretary)
Fraunhoferstraße 6
07743 Jena
Office hours:
Tuesday 14:00 - 15:00 h
Wednesday 09:00 - 10:00 h
or by arrangement